About us
The Greek term theosis, means “deification” or “divinization”. The possibility of the theosis of man, is the most central message of the Orthodox faith, and we want this term to be the distinction and the purpose of Ediciones Theosis. According to Orthodox theology, the principal objective of the Christian life consists in the deification of the human being. God enters creation and becomes man, He comes to share our human life, in order to open for us the possibility of participating in His life. God moves downwards towards us, to permit us to move upwards towards Him. Man cannot participate in the essence of God, he cannot become another person of the Holy Trinity, but he can participate in the energies of God, that is to say, in the life of God and in His activity.
The aim of Ediciones Theosis is to translate into Spanish and to publish some of the enormous amount of Orthodox publications that exists in other languages. This initiative can be more fruitful and effective, if we manage to form a group of translators who would like to collaborate with this objective. The help of anyone who manages another language and knows how to translate and write well in Spanish, is therefore, very welcome. Please contact us for more information.
El objetivo de Ediciones Theosis es traducir al español y publicar algo de la enorme cantidad de publicaciones Ortodoxas que existen en otros idiomas. Esta iniciativa será más fructífera y efectiva, si formamos un grupo de traductores que quieran colaborar con este objetivo. Es, entonces, bienvenida la ayuda de personas que conozcan otro idioma y que sepan traducir y redactar bien en español. Contáctenos para más información.
Ediciones Theosis
Tel: +49 176 7352 8654
WhatsApp: +49 176 7352 8654
Bogotá, Colombia